103 Log Viewer 104 About Log Viewer...\nDisplay program information, version number and copyright 105 Exit\nQuits the program 106 1000 &Tree 1001 F&avorites 1002 Favorites Folder 1003 Favorites 1004 (Empty) 1100 New Folder 32775 Add to Favorites...\nAdds the current item to your Favorites list 32776 Organize Favorites...\nOpens the Favorites folder 32778 Back\nBack 32779 Forward\nForward 32780 Up One Level\nUp One Level 32781 Console Tree\nShow/Hide Console Tree 32785 Layout...\nLayout 32787 Show Favorites\nShow Favorites 32788 Expand All\nExpand All 32790 Show Tree\nShow Tree 32791 Collapse All\nCollapse All 32793 Remove\nRemove Favorites item 32794 Export...\nExport 32795 Auto Refresh\nAuto Refresh 32796 Contents And Index\nContents and Index 32797 Rename\nRename Favorites folder 32798 Repair database\nRepair database 32799 Reset Filters\nReset Filters 32800 Show \nShow 32801 Context Help\nContext Help 32802 Cleaner options\nCleaner options 32803 Edit Tree\nEdit Tree 32804 Log Viewer ver. 32805 Your database is read only. You have no permission to access it. 32806 Log Viewer